序号 | 成果类别 (论文/著作) | 成果名称 | 作者 | 平台研究人员 | 期刊(出版社) 名称 |
1 | 论文 | Personalized QoE Improvement for Networking Video Service. | Yun Gao, Xin Wei, Liang Zhou | 周亮 | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications |
2 | 论文 | Predicted Decoupling for Coexistence Between WiFi and LTE in Unlicensed Band | Feng Tian, Yue Yu, Xu Yuan, Bin Lyu, Guan Gui | 田峰 | |
3 | 论文 | Generalized Nuclear Norm and Laplacian Scale Mixture Based Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition for Video Foreground-Background Separation | Zhenzhen Yang, Lu Fan, Yongpeng Yang, Zhen Yang, Guan Gui | 杨真真 | Signal Processing |
4 | 论文 | Secrecy outage and diversity analysis of multiple cooperating source-destination pairs | Xiaojin Ding, Yulong Zou, Xiaoshu Chen, Xiaojun Wang, and Lajos Hanzo | 邹玉龙 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
5 | 论文 | Energy-aware relay selection improves security-reliability tradeoff in energy harvesting cooperative cognitive radio systems | Peishun Yan, Yulong Zou, Xiaojin Ding, and Jia Zhu | 邹玉龙 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
6 | 论文 | 280-km experimental demonstration of a quantum digital signature with one decoy state | HuaJian Ding, JingJing Chen, Liang Ji, Xingyu Zhou, Chunhui Zhang, Chunmei Zhang, Qin Wang | 王琴 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
7 | 论文 | Broad Reinforcement Learning for Supporting Fast Autonomous IoT | Xin Wei, Jialin Zhao, Liang Zhou, Yi Qian: | IEEE Wireless Communications | |
8 | 论文 | DRL-Based Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation Frameworks for Uplink NOMA Systems | Xiaoming Wang, Yuhan Zhang, Ruijuan Shen, Yunyou Xv, Fuchun Zheng | 徐云友 | IEEE Internet of Things Journal |
9 | 论文 | Vectorial Near-Field Characterization of Microwave Device by Using Micro Diamond Based on Tapered Fiber | Guobin Chen, Bangxing Gu, Wenhao He, Zhigang Guo, and Guanxiang Du | 杜关祥 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
10 | 论文 | Transfer learning for semi-supervised automatic modulation classification in ZF-MIMO systems | Yu Wang, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Hikmet Sari, and Fumiyuki Adachi | 桂冠 | IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems |