岳东教授荣获2022年国际电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)冠名科技奖——IEEE Rudolf Chope Research & Development Award



625日,IEEE工业电子学会the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society奖励与荣誉委员会主席Hiromasa Haneda教授给岳东教授发来贺信,祝贺他荣获2022IEEE Rudolf Chope Research & Development Award,以表彰其在网络化控制与优化技术及在电力系统应用方面作出的重要贡献。贺信如下:

Dear Dr. Dong Yue:

On behalf of The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), we are happy to announce that you have been selected to receive the 2022 IEEE Rudolf Chope Research & Development Award, for ‘contributions to network-based control and optimization’.

This award includes a certificate and honorarium of US $1,000 amount. Additionally, your name will be added to the IES awards webpage.

You are cordially invited to receive the award at the award ceremony during the 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2022), to be held October 17-20 at the congress center SQUARE, Brussels, Belgium. The WEB site for the conference is https://iecon2022.org Under the current COVID situation, details of conference operation are unpredictable at this moment, and hence please keep monitoring the conference WEBsite.

If the award ceremony is held physically during IECON-2022, IES will reimburse you for the travel expenses up to US $3000:

  • round-trip airfare (general, economy class)

  • two (2) nights hotel

  • other reasonable expenses, such as food, taxi, and so forth. 

As we have been practicing these years the certificate will be shipped to you separately. 

We are attaching 

  • a detailed information sheet for you; 

  • a to-be-filled-in form asking information from you in order to facilitate the arrangements for

(1) honorarium 

(2) travel reimbursement

(3) certificate production

(4) certificate shipping 




Hiromasa Haneda

2022 IES Awards and Honors Committee, Chair

  据悉,IEEE Rudolf Chope Research & Development Award设立于2008年,是IEEE的重要冠名科技奖励之一,用以表彰在量子和工业电子学及工业电气工程方面取得杰出科学研究成就的科学家。该奖每年由IEEE工业电子学会负责组织评审,并在其最重要的年会IECON上颁发。